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MTV Rally Phone Interview (November 16, 2004)
Geraldo: I think we may have on the telephone right now, a surprise caller in his first live interview on Network Television in at least a year, as far as I know. I believe Michael Jackson is there. Are you there, Michael?
Michael: How are you Geraldo... Hello?

Geraldo: Ok buddy, let me ask you... How do you feel, Michael, about the continuing support you´ve gotten from your fans despite all you´ve gone through.
Michael: Well, Geraldo, its because of my fans that I am calling you today. I mean, I feel they are the best fans in the world and I decided rather than having anyone else speak for me that I would do it myself you know. And I want to thank my fans for their strong support over the years.
They could have been anywhere today, you know, and they chose to be in New York in Times Square. And I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart. They have written thousands and thousands of letters, and have made hundreds of calls regarding the Eminem video. And I love them so, so much. In London over 4000 people showed up on my behalf.
And I want to thank Reverend Jesse Jackson, Reverend Al Sharpton, Minister Farrakhan, The Source,

Steve Harvey, Bob Johnson and BET, Jesse Hughes and Radio One, and all the many others who have supported me.
And Geraldo, I want to also thank you for your friendship and everything, all the wonderful things you have been doing. Thank you so, so much.
I made my feelings clear about the Eminem video. I think that it's demeaning and disrespectful, and I also want to make it clear that it's not just about Michael Jackson...but a pattern of disrespect that he has shown to our community. He needs to stop it, and he needs to stop it now.
Geraldo: Michael, let me just say that I support you because I believe that you are getting a raw deal. Not just by Eminem, but in a lot of other aspects of life that I don´t need to mention. But let me go on the positive side for a minute. What do you have coming up? Anything that we can announce to these people? Something that can give them some optimism?
Michael: Yes, I´m always working on wonderful music. I´ve been working on several albums right now, I´ve been working on music today. I´m working on something as we speak Geraldo, and I´m in the process of making plans to do some other wonderful things that I´ll be announcing to the fans very, very soon. And I look forward to that Geraldo, you know. And I´ll give you a call too, soon.

Geraldo: I bet you do, I bet you do. Ok, please do. But before I let you go...anything else you want to say?
Michael: I love my fans, I love you. And thank you so much for being there on my behalf. And thank you Geraldo again, thank you so so much.

Geraldo: Ok Michael, thank you. Thanks for calling in. Michael Jackson everybody.
Michael Jackson: I wanted to call and say thank you for your support and your loyalty, your caring, everything you're doing pertaining to this situation. Thank you so, so much.

Lee Bailey: Well we're just reporting what we're seeing, and we'd gotten a whole bunch of letters from people who were speaking out against the video, so we just reported that. How are you holding up?
Michael Jackson: Oh, I'm holding up pretty well, day by day. I'm holding up pretty well.
Lee Bailey: I always wonder how you deal with everything?
Michael Jackson: I don't know. I don't know. You just pray and keep going. Persevere.

Lee Bailey: Now are you able to work [on music] while you're going through all of this?
Michael Jackson: Yes, I do.

Raymone Bain: We have a new CD coming out. 'Michael Jackson the Ultimate Collection,' due Nov 16, [with] 57 tracks, 13 new songs, a 64-page booklet, and never-before-released concert footage. And he'll be out promoting that.
Lee Bailey: Really..[laughs]. You're not afraid, literally, of going out and promoting it?
Michael Jackson: Noooo, are you kidding. No, no, never.

Lee Bailey: And you have 13 new songs, you said?
Michael Jackson: Yes, these are some of the songs from previous albums. When I do an album, I usually write like 60 to 70 songs, sometimes more. These are some of the songs that didn't make the album, but they're very good ones. And there are a couple of brand new ones, too.

Lee Bailey: Now getting back to this Eminem thing
Raymone Bain: Have you heard the latest? Eminem released a statement, he and Interscope, saying they stand by the video and they're disappointed that BET pulled it. And MTV came out saying they were going to continue to air it on MTV, MTV 2 and MTV Europe.

Lee Bailey: So Michael, how do you feel about that?
Michael Jackson: Well, I think it's the wrong thing to do. It should be pulled, it shouldn't be played. It's incorrect. [TO BAIN] Did you tell him about VH1?

Raymone Bain: VH1 sent out a release this evening saying they were meeting on whether or not they're going to air it. So for them to release something like that must mean they're more than likely to pull it. I can't see them releasing a statement saying they're in the process of meeting on it. So there's a lot of activity out there, but he's getting enormous support from the African American community - Radio One, Steve Harvey, and a number of entertainers who have called to offer their support because they feel that it is demeaning and disrespectful.
Lee Bailey: Do you get the sense that Eminem's not doing this against you personally, but against your public persona?

Michael Jackson: That's incorrect. I would never do that to anyone, no other fellow artist. It's no respect. It's demeaning. It's appalling, really. It's not entertainment.
Lee Bailey: Well I totally agree, but would it make a difference in your mind if he said he wasn't doing this as a personal attack - because I don't think he even knows you.

Raymone Bain: Well it is personal, Lee. He might not know Michael Jackson, but when you look at the video, it is personal. He's taken every aspect of this man's life and he's put it in his video. It's one thing to have a spoof, but it's another for it to be demeaning and embarrassing. And that's what he's done.
Lee Bailey: What I'm getting at is you've never done anything to him for him to even remotely want to treat you like that for some personal reason, right?

Michael Jackson: I don't know him. I've never met him.
Lee Bailey: Well, Mr. Jackson, it just seems like everyday, they're coming up with more stuff, but I gotta give it to you, you're holding up. Keep on, keeping on.

Michael Jackson: Thank you very, very much. I appreciate everything you're doing.
ПереводМайкл Джексон. MTB, интервью по телефону, 2004
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