Contemplated over posting this-As a mother I'm so very worried about Paris & those looking at her-Look what a dirty old man said-he called a 14 year old "sexy".  I did admonish him.  

Paris, I don't think this is your goal to get dirty old man to look at you this way, but too much cleavage provokes those thoughts in perverts.  Now, of course it's against the law for them to touch you but honey let's try to slow it down just a bit.

You'll be older soon enough.  I remember when I was 14 and just so quickly I'm now 49-EXACTLY 1,711 days older than your Daddy.  I got here so time will continue to move along and you'll be so grown and too old to believe one day.

I like you more as a cheerleader than pre-goth.  Goth does worry me because it's a darkness that can be harmful in that.  Michael represents lightness, brightness, cheeriness, excitement and not doom and darkness like I get from goth.

U don't want to be 21 looking like ur 45, so be a kid for now, it's really fun that way.  Please don't be mad, just sit in this for a minute and just say "yea, that was a bit too much cleavage" and be careful next time.  The world is watching you and u know we fans most certainly are.

Much love!

Pearl Jr.